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Class Action Lawsuits Frequently Asked Questions

A class action is when workers who are subjected to a common policy and practice bring their claims together in one lawsuit. Class actions are a good tool to get justice for groups of employees who have relatively small claims individually. Entente Law specializes in representing workers facing a common unlawful policy or practice at their workplace.

It only takes one employee to stand up for a class and speak out against wage theft for the collective. Your firm filed a class action lawsuit against my employer, how do I join?Lawsuits filed in Washington state automatically include you if you are within the defined class. To find out if you are a class member, contact our front desk or fill out an inquiry.

If you are a class member who is entitled to a settlement that has been funded you will receive notice from our law firm or the settlement administrator. Please contact us through an inquiry if you believe you should have received a notice, but did not.

Top Ways Employers Cheat, Mistreat, and Exploit Employees

Breaks are one way our society has chosen to protect workers, but often employers ignore rest and meal break laws at the expense of worker health and safety. In most industries, hourly workers are entitled to one ten-minute break for every four hours worked. For example, if you work eight hours, you are entitled to two ten-minute breaks. Workers are entitled to a meal period when they work over five hours. A worker must get a thirty-minute meal period between the second and fifth hour of work. If the meal period is interrupted, it must be paid.

In Washington, employers frequently ask employees to sign meal waivers so that they do not have to provide meal breaks or pay for meal break violations when they occur. This practice is not always in the best interest of employees. Is your employer paying your overtime?If you are a non-exempt employee, you are likely entitled to overtime when you work more than forty hours per week. Overtime must be compensated at one and a half times your regular rate of pay.

Some workers who drive for work must be compensated for drive time when that time is "hours worked". If you are "on duty" you must be paid for that time. Is your employer paying you the prevailing wage?Certain jobs are funded by the federal government and workers on those jobs must be paid a special "prevailing wage". This sometimes applies to drive time as well.